Sunday, February 26, 2012
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Bathing Beauties..
The girls had their first Paediatrician appointment, with everything all o.k and the Dr saying just how cute they are ... Im sure he doesnt say that to every new patient ;)
Otherwise we have been enjoying plenty of visitors and the girls have been spoilt with the most beautiful gifts. They love cuddles and seem happy to have a bottle from any willing helper. We have been out and about a little bit with trips in the car and off to the shops and to the home centre ( mid-week only! ). They certainly gain plenty of attention on our outings.
Best wishes to all,
SJ & B xx
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Busy, busy..with the Twincesses.
Amy and Lara are doing well. Its busy here, so Im sorry Ive not had much of a chance to promptly read or comment on the news from everyones blogs for the last little while, but Im still following all the stories and our thoughts and wishes are with you all.
The girls continue to grow strong and do all the baby things to be expected. We are following the 'Contented Twins' book, and the girls are just beginning to sleep during the night apart from their 2am feed which is great (so far anyway!).
We are looking forward to taking the girls out and about, but weve had rain for days on end, so weve been staying close to home, getting to know eachother :)
Mali is doing fine with the babies, she is very attentive and likes to check-out everything- even the nappy changes! She gets up with me for the night feeds and generally likes to be a part of whatever new event is happening.
Lots of fellow bloggers have given great hints about what to take to India when meeting your baby/ies. A few things we found helpful were:
*Take something to carry your babies in, we had baby carry bags with detachable sunshades which were great in keeping the girls covered from the bright light, and also curious onlookers.
*We took the anti-roll secure sleeper for inside the carry bag as the girls were so tiny. Also bugaboo cocoons to keep them cosy. The anti-flat-head pillows we also used.
*We took a baby backpack for carting around all the extras you need on your outings. With twins, I would recommend a backpack rather than a shoulder bag style.
*Take some of the wet ones antibacterial handwipes, the fluid pump packs are readily available, but its nice to wipe off while you are out and about with the babies.
*As our girls were preemie, they needed their eyes tested over the next few weeks once discharged. We found a much better option was to take the tests at Max Hospital Saket with the visiting eye doctor. It was a very modern hospital closeby to the hotel and the newborn specialist doctors were very friendly and helpful and answered all our questions.They have two excellent chemists there too and you can ask for most specialist items to be ordered in within a couple of days with a small deposit.
*Check out these India based baby websites, we needed some extra bits and pieces, and with free delivery to our hotel address it was too easy. www.hushbabies.com and www.firstcry.com .
*We went to Mahindra at M Block for all the little plastic bowls and bins and homeware bits that were helpful to have at the hotel. We used a large bowl in the kitchen just for bottle washing, and small ones for nappy changes etc. We also bought a new electric kettle, as the one in the hotel was not super clean looking.
*I bought with us plenty of the preemie and newborn sized Huggies and Pampers nappies. The nappies in India are ok, but we much preferred the ones we carried over. Also the Avent steam sterilizer, from home, a bargain on ebay which we brought back with us- cheaper than buying one over in India. Scented nappy bags were also handy. A digital thermometer was good for checking the room temperature.
*Plenty of travel socket adaptors including a computor/laptop surge protector.
*We took an inflatable bath for the girls.
*We brought Dr Browns & Avent bottles with us, yet they were available at a good price in India.
*We used plenty of wraps and the soft face washers. These are very well priced at Mom & Me in Select City shopping centre.
*The music shop in Select City was the closest to recharge our mobile phone.
*We bought a baby weight scale at the Chicco store which was a little pricey, but we wanted to keep a close eye on the girls progress.
If I think of any extra hints, I will add them on later-
Time to get back to the Twincesses-they are calling!
I will add on anything else I think of.
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