Things remain stable at present and we hope & pray all stays that way for the next while.
Coming up will be Wk27 so we are slowly heading towards a somewhat safer area for the twins, but we dont want any surprises anytime soon.
Our lovely SM is still in the hospital under observation. Although Im sure its terribly boring for her there, we are confident our clinic and doctors have everyones best interests in mind and we are most happy with their decisions regarding the care of our surrogate mother and babies.
Last weekend we had a lovely overnight trip to celebrate our 5 yr wedding anniversary. A nice drive out of town in the new car, a wonderful getaway. Otherwise domestic duties reign. Sorting, rearranging, tidying- the nesting continues!
Ive been enjoying doing a little reading/research (as always!). Although we are still too afraid to begin the nursery, reading about our hopeful future has been good. I realise these books are a guide only, and most parents say you figure it out along the way, but I have found some nifty hints and tips Im sure to use. I cant wait to start rummaging through those storage containers for all the baby goodies Ive slowly been collecting over the last 2 years! Saying that I hope to wait a while longer...