We have been getting all revved up for our transfer to occur... The original anticipated date was last week, then was to be this week. But, as our SM had her final scan to check all was well, her womb was found to not be optimal at this time. As our Dr said, thank-goodness our embryos had not begun their thaw.
Yes, this time we are going with FET. We realize the chance of success is not as high as a fresh transfer, yet we feel complelled to give our little ice babies a chance. These are the little embryos left from our most recent try. Although our little baby did not make it, chromosomal testing showed no signs of any problem. A connection is already formed with these little ones, and our egg donor who helped us create them.
Thankfully a new SM is available, and our transfer will not be delayed for too long. So although theres a change in direction of sorts, we still continue along the same path, hopefully towards success!