We are now within a new 2ww! Feeling nervous,excited and hopeful. Our egg collection went really well with over 25 eggs donated to us which is a great start. Of those, we had a number of excellent quality embryos-hooray! The report indicates the transfer went well and more than one 8-cell embryo has been transferred to our surrogate. This is also the first cycle where we have had frozen embryos available for either another try, or perhaps for sometime in the future.
Keeping busy around the house this weekend , its the best way to try and make the time go by till we get some news. Bunnings hardware rubs their hands together each and every 2ww :) Its a great opportunity to get all those pesky jobs done.
Otherwise, we continue to send over the positive vibes, pray, hope and wish that this time we will have a positive outcome. Go, go... Grow, grow...Please xx